Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Answers!!! Bitter Sweet....

Well that was not too long to get some answers I guess after my last blog after all now!
We got some answers and some bitter sweet news to share today. I guess I will start with the bad before the good.
We found out that Baby girl's father is going to be getting services, it came as an utter shock to a lot of us involved in this case even the social workers and reunification worker as well. A lot of us did not want this at all. We are pretty upset and very scared. He will be getting a 6 month time period to do many things to reunify with her and whether he does that will be up to him. Although the odds are against him and many involved do not think he will complete this chance given to him, we are going to be looking to God to pull us and baby girl through this! This is something we so did not want and we going to need strength to get through this 6 months of ups and downs and emotional toll. We will be able to fight and have a voice in a few months and get an attorney as well and believe me we are going to fight for this baby girl, she needs to be with us and her sisters too, no doubt about it! Please pray for our baby girl!
Now the amazing and exciting news we found out is that we are officially moving towards our adoption process with Sissy girl, it is a 100% that we are getting to adopt her. The girls mother is done and will be getting her 120 days and then she is done, we will be coming to a stop after those days on visits with her and starting our 6 month adoption process. When the visits stop we can start calling her by her new name we are going to choose for her too. We should finalize our adoption with her in about 10 months. We are so very excited to have this amazing little blonde, silly, smart, sweet and so very loving little girl in our lives forever! It's a Girl!!! :0)))))

Monday, November 29, 2010

And the wait continues....

Another update on us over here in this house hold with these amazing girlies. It has been a little while since I blogged. Been so vary busy of course, always something going on. I told my husband it often feels like we have twins with the girls being a little over a year a part and now the Baby being onto toddler hood too! We have been having court hearings but everything keeps getting postponed and continued on this or that, it is hard to be in the "waiting" status but it comes with the territory I guess. Most cases like this go through that many, many times before there is actually a finalization in the works, we may be going thru this for some time to come. I am turning to God and his direction to give us strength and to get us through the roller coaster of up and downs with this and the emotions as well. I do feel that in the very end God knows what is best and will bring us through it all.
Now on to the wonderful part of all this, the girls, they are my world and my everything. They are so beautiful and amazing, I love them so very much. They keep surprising us all the time how grown up they are and so fast. The Baby is 1, already, I just can't believe it, such a big 1 year old. She is 20lbs finally, she is in her new forward facing car seat that she got from Grandparents and Auntie for her bday, we love it. She is stopping bottles this week as a matter of fact and is doing wonderful with whole milk in a sippy cup and table foods. She dropped her morning nap and is now just onto an afternoon nap as well. She seems way to tiny to be so grown up already and moving a long to all this so soon but it is normal and time, I kinda wish she would stay a baby for a little while longer but I love that she is growing and thriving. She is walking so fast now, I think she might run soon and she is talking away, every week a new word.  It is so crazy how fast time goes, I cannot believe where she was at 8 months old 4 months ago when we got the girls. This baby girl is going to give us some grey hairs though I know it, she is a little fire cracker as my hubby says all the time, she can through a mean fit and get a little rowdy too, oh man. But we love her and her tiny little feisty self so much!
Sissy girl is awesome, growing too fast too into a little girl not a toddler anymore. She keeps slimming down and getting taller too, she is so cute, so sweet and so very smart. She has changed so much, she talks so much better and keeps on adding to her vocabulary, shocks us with her words all of the time. Her teacher has told me many times that she sees so much improvement so much fast in her than many families she works with, it is a huge compliment for me and us, lets us know what we are doing all this hard work os so paying off. Sissy has counseling now every week with my hubby and I, she has her teacher come out 3 times a month, she is getting glasses very soon and is just doing awesome! I love her hugs, kisses and laughs she gives me a thousand times a day, makes my world so bright! When she says "I love you Mommy" it is the best.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, traveled for the first time as a family and for the girls too, it was an experience but so fun as well. I love having them here for the holidays and in our lives and families too, I love spending their birthdays with them and can't wait for Christmas to come and to have that so very special time with them. I love to see the excitement in their eyes and to know we are giving them a life they would not have with their birth parents.
Not sure when I will update next, we have a very busy month and some stuff coming up before the holidays with the girls case, so for now lots of prayers please for us and the girls and I will update as soon as I can.
I am a blessed foster Mommy of two beautiful girls, so glad God has placed them in our hearts and lives! :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November a month to be Thankful.....

November is the month to think about what you are thankful for! Wow what a great thing to think about and remember at this time last year where we were at. The entire year it took to get a placement like these girls was very tough, the ups and downs we went through! And now look where we are, we just can't believe it! So what am I thankful for this November and this Thanksgiving???? Two wonderful and amazing little angels that came into our lives, that are so beautiful and bring is so much love and joy I can't even explain! I thank God for giving them to us and will never, ever for get this year and this Thanksgiving for sure! I am so grateful and incredibly thankful!
I as well cannot wait till next Sunday, a day for celebration for sure and a weekend of family and friends coming together to celebrate our little Baby Girl's 1st Birthday! I remember when she came to us 8 months old and I thought wow will we get to celebrate her first birthday with her, I only hoped and prayed we would get this day with her! Can't believe how that time flew by, how she is walking and starting to talk and just becoming this little tot and not a baby anymore, although I wish it would slow down I love that she is such a go getter and a smarty and just wants to be so big because she is so tiny in size! This one will not let anything stop her and she is going to be something else! Love our Baby Girl and almost 1 yr old! :))

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Birthday photo shoot, Halloween fun and November stuff to come!

Every week brings something new around here, they fly by but yet as we go thru them these girls grow, learn and are part of us more and more! I can't believe how many people tell us that Sissy looks just like me and the baby like my husband, it is so true! They say that happens a lot when you adopt and in our situation we had no idea what and who we would get to adopt, it is so amazing! I can't believe in almost 4 months how much these girls have changed already, Sissy seems like she is 6 months older than when she came to us and the baby needs to stop growing up already, I want her to stay young! :) The baby is walking a lot, hardly crawls anymore and is talking so much, says a new word what seems every few days! Sissy is a sponge, she is soaking it all up and acting more like her Mama Missy every day, yikes! :)
We did another photo shoot last week at the house, birthday shots 1 yr and 2 yr pics, it was so much fun! These girls are so adorable and just plain beautiful to me. I dressed them up in their birthday party outfits, Sissy's from her 2 yr. party a week and a half after we got them and Baby's party to come in a few weeks, they looked adorable. We went out into the orchards with a rocking chair that is actually from my Great Grandmother and took some amazing shots! This time the girls were in great moods! Then we came in and let Baby go to town smashing a birthday cake on the kitchen floor, it was so funny, even Sissy got in on the fun and MESS! :) I cannot wait to see the finished product! I just want to capture these so very special moments in their lives and have these first memories for us as well, so special to me.
This last weekend was Halloween, way fun time with the girls, got to have Halloween/trick or treating fun with my husbands family and our little cousins on that side, we had a monkey(baby cousin 4 mo) and a lion(cousin 16 mo) and our two little kitties, they were all so cute! Sissy practiced her trick or treating that night too, it was great, she just cares about the candy of course "nandy". Then on Halloween we went into town and trick or treated with some of our friends in a neighborhood where we know several families as well, it was so fun, Sissy did great and had a blast! She was a little slow for our 4 year old buddy and her cousins she was with too but we would throw her in the stroller and catch up to the speed treaters, heehee! I loved trick or treating again and all the houses with the fun spooky decorations, what a really fun, fun time and all the memories as a kid coming back!
November brings up several big events, Baby is turning the big 1! I cannot wait for her party and to celebrate this for her, such a big thing in a baby girls life and so honored we get to be apart of this! Cannot wait for the family and few friends to enjoy this with us too! We have a very big trial coming up that should set the tone and pace for the rest of this case and how it should go, some anxiety for sure over this is going on but I have faith things will be ok, just need it to get here already! And then we get to go on our first big family trip to my Dad's for Thanksgiving! We are heading off for about 5 days and I cannot wait for the little vacation, taking the girls to see my family and all the fun I know we will have, very special too! I have longed for so many of these special times we are going through with these girls!
My husband and I have been talking over little things that dawn on us from week to week with these girlies and realizing that they are 15 months apart, there will be some very close and busy times with them only being about a year apart in most everything! Aghhhh! haha Ya a little nerve racking to think about, life will be crazy thats for sure, my hubby swears we are done already, LOL! 2 girls is enough for me he claims, haha! :) We will see dear I say! :) I may need a boy to off set the girl drama!