Monday, May 2, 2011

Where does the time go!!

I always say I am going to keep this up but just where does the time go!! :(
It is just flying by way too fast, I wish I could pause all of the good and mazing times with the girls and their little selves and keep them so young and small forever! The Baby is going to be 18 months this month and Sissy girl will be 3 in 4 months! Crazy, crazy! We will have the girls a year in July, I just cannot believe how so fast this has gone by!
Baby girl is crazy, she is smart as a whip and runs everywhere, talks and knows way too much for her little self! She still only has four teeth but is getting some monsters let me tell you, oh they are a comin! Poor baby! She is still so small but thankfully growing for sure. She is still sassy as heck and tries to rule the house but hey now only one person can do that! ;) We just love her so and she loves us so, she has become quite the daddies girl too, it is so great!
Sissy is doing awesome, she just improves all of the time, she has come so very far from last July, such a different child! She is going to start school this summer, 2 days a week for about 4-5 hours while I take Baby to her visits! She is potty trained so she can do this and I could not be more proud of her, she will do so well and benefit so much! She will go to  a special class in the Fall 2 days a week for speech and some early intervention, then her preschool two days a week as well, this is just going to give her all that more of a boost, it's just exciting and so great! We have had such an amazing support system for her, it's made an awesome difference in her life! She is such a miracle and so beautiful and she is almost ours forever! There is a shower in the works for Sissy girl and I, and I am so humbled that a very close friend and some family want to do this and honor us! I have always longed for these times and stages in my life and even in this situation it is still happening, it's beautiful!
We are finally in the adoption process after 9 months, finally! It will be about 6 months till we finalize, the birth's mothers rights will be taken away in Aug and they will no longer see her. We are in the final stretch here with Sis, it is so happening and it is so hard to believe but just the best feeling ever! We should finalize this adoption in October or November, so it will happen this year, we were so scared it would not! The girls four year old Sis is getting adopted in June and we are so excited for that, it's just a miracle how we all got about this and came together, God, oh he knew what he was doing here! I thank him everyday for our family and all it is!
I get o have my first Mothers Day this week, not only so many firsts with the girls and our little fam but this is such an honor! I prayed to be a Mommy for so long and it's here, it is actually happening, I get to be one and to two amazing little girls, they have just changed my life forever and make me so happy! I absolutely love being a Mom, it is the role I always knew I would, it just completes me! :))