Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Holidays

I can't believe how time is just flying by so fast! It has been just about 5 months since our world changed for ever and we received these girls. Some days it feels like a life time that we have had them and some days it feels like it just happened. But all in all these girls have changed so much since we did get them, Sis is 28 months now and baby is 13 mo already, wow! Sis has lost at least 6lbs and is growing like a weed, she is going to be a tall thing let me tell you, she will surely pass us both up! Baby girl has gained 6lbs and is growing so fast as well, so happy but I am still worried about her growth all of the time! Sis is like 90% on the growth charts and Baby like 20%, wow they are so different already. Sis is sweet and loving, loves to please, Baby is feisty as heck and always naughty but loves her Mommy lots so thats ok I will love her back too little fire cracker! :)
The holidays are here, we got through a fantastic Thanksgiving and now it's already Christmas time, crazy! I kept thinking as the months went by Lord please let us have them for the holidays! Our prayers and wishes have come true. To know at this Christmas 2010 that this little gal, Sissy, is going to be with us forever and many, many Christmases to come is just unbelievable. It is so fun to have them here this year, to share them with the family and see the joy in their eyes. I love the new traditions we are starting and what we get to show them too. I have just dreamt of this for so long now, I have to really pinch myself that it is really happening. I loved the holidays when I was a child and it is so fun to see that again in a childs eyes as an adult and a new Mommy. I had spent the last few years yerning for a family so bad and now we have one and I absolutely love this feeling. I am so excited for this Christmas and so excited for 2011, ready to bring in a new year that is bringing us our first daughter and hoping her Sister too, which would be our 2nd daughter as well. I am so thankful for what we have, we are blessed beyond words to have these angels in our lives and the situation we do have. We are still fighting for Baby girl but I really feel inside and have so much faith it is going to be ok.
I think of the day we got them so often and it was all because of the guy up above and a sweet gal at our agency, we will call her an angel, if it wasn't for them we would not have these girls and would not be where we are right now, in pure love and joy!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Answers!!! Bitter Sweet....

Well that was not too long to get some answers I guess after my last blog after all now!
We got some answers and some bitter sweet news to share today. I guess I will start with the bad before the good.
We found out that Baby girl's father is going to be getting services, it came as an utter shock to a lot of us involved in this case even the social workers and reunification worker as well. A lot of us did not want this at all. We are pretty upset and very scared. He will be getting a 6 month time period to do many things to reunify with her and whether he does that will be up to him. Although the odds are against him and many involved do not think he will complete this chance given to him, we are going to be looking to God to pull us and baby girl through this! This is something we so did not want and we going to need strength to get through this 6 months of ups and downs and emotional toll. We will be able to fight and have a voice in a few months and get an attorney as well and believe me we are going to fight for this baby girl, she needs to be with us and her sisters too, no doubt about it! Please pray for our baby girl!
Now the amazing and exciting news we found out is that we are officially moving towards our adoption process with Sissy girl, it is a 100% that we are getting to adopt her. The girls mother is done and will be getting her 120 days and then she is done, we will be coming to a stop after those days on visits with her and starting our 6 month adoption process. When the visits stop we can start calling her by her new name we are going to choose for her too. We should finalize our adoption with her in about 10 months. We are so very excited to have this amazing little blonde, silly, smart, sweet and so very loving little girl in our lives forever! It's a Girl!!! :0)))))

Monday, November 29, 2010

And the wait continues....

Another update on us over here in this house hold with these amazing girlies. It has been a little while since I blogged. Been so vary busy of course, always something going on. I told my husband it often feels like we have twins with the girls being a little over a year a part and now the Baby being onto toddler hood too! We have been having court hearings but everything keeps getting postponed and continued on this or that, it is hard to be in the "waiting" status but it comes with the territory I guess. Most cases like this go through that many, many times before there is actually a finalization in the works, we may be going thru this for some time to come. I am turning to God and his direction to give us strength and to get us through the roller coaster of up and downs with this and the emotions as well. I do feel that in the very end God knows what is best and will bring us through it all.
Now on to the wonderful part of all this, the girls, they are my world and my everything. They are so beautiful and amazing, I love them so very much. They keep surprising us all the time how grown up they are and so fast. The Baby is 1, already, I just can't believe it, such a big 1 year old. She is 20lbs finally, she is in her new forward facing car seat that she got from Grandparents and Auntie for her bday, we love it. She is stopping bottles this week as a matter of fact and is doing wonderful with whole milk in a sippy cup and table foods. She dropped her morning nap and is now just onto an afternoon nap as well. She seems way to tiny to be so grown up already and moving a long to all this so soon but it is normal and time, I kinda wish she would stay a baby for a little while longer but I love that she is growing and thriving. She is walking so fast now, I think she might run soon and she is talking away, every week a new word.  It is so crazy how fast time goes, I cannot believe where she was at 8 months old 4 months ago when we got the girls. This baby girl is going to give us some grey hairs though I know it, she is a little fire cracker as my hubby says all the time, she can through a mean fit and get a little rowdy too, oh man. But we love her and her tiny little feisty self so much!
Sissy girl is awesome, growing too fast too into a little girl not a toddler anymore. She keeps slimming down and getting taller too, she is so cute, so sweet and so very smart. She has changed so much, she talks so much better and keeps on adding to her vocabulary, shocks us with her words all of the time. Her teacher has told me many times that she sees so much improvement so much fast in her than many families she works with, it is a huge compliment for me and us, lets us know what we are doing all this hard work os so paying off. Sissy has counseling now every week with my hubby and I, she has her teacher come out 3 times a month, she is getting glasses very soon and is just doing awesome! I love her hugs, kisses and laughs she gives me a thousand times a day, makes my world so bright! When she says "I love you Mommy" it is the best.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, traveled for the first time as a family and for the girls too, it was an experience but so fun as well. I love having them here for the holidays and in our lives and families too, I love spending their birthdays with them and can't wait for Christmas to come and to have that so very special time with them. I love to see the excitement in their eyes and to know we are giving them a life they would not have with their birth parents.
Not sure when I will update next, we have a very busy month and some stuff coming up before the holidays with the girls case, so for now lots of prayers please for us and the girls and I will update as soon as I can.
I am a blessed foster Mommy of two beautiful girls, so glad God has placed them in our hearts and lives! :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November a month to be Thankful.....

November is the month to think about what you are thankful for! Wow what a great thing to think about and remember at this time last year where we were at. The entire year it took to get a placement like these girls was very tough, the ups and downs we went through! And now look where we are, we just can't believe it! So what am I thankful for this November and this Thanksgiving???? Two wonderful and amazing little angels that came into our lives, that are so beautiful and bring is so much love and joy I can't even explain! I thank God for giving them to us and will never, ever for get this year and this Thanksgiving for sure! I am so grateful and incredibly thankful!
I as well cannot wait till next Sunday, a day for celebration for sure and a weekend of family and friends coming together to celebrate our little Baby Girl's 1st Birthday! I remember when she came to us 8 months old and I thought wow will we get to celebrate her first birthday with her, I only hoped and prayed we would get this day with her! Can't believe how that time flew by, how she is walking and starting to talk and just becoming this little tot and not a baby anymore, although I wish it would slow down I love that she is such a go getter and a smarty and just wants to be so big because she is so tiny in size! This one will not let anything stop her and she is going to be something else! Love our Baby Girl and almost 1 yr old! :))

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Birthday photo shoot, Halloween fun and November stuff to come!

Every week brings something new around here, they fly by but yet as we go thru them these girls grow, learn and are part of us more and more! I can't believe how many people tell us that Sissy looks just like me and the baby like my husband, it is so true! They say that happens a lot when you adopt and in our situation we had no idea what and who we would get to adopt, it is so amazing! I can't believe in almost 4 months how much these girls have changed already, Sissy seems like she is 6 months older than when she came to us and the baby needs to stop growing up already, I want her to stay young! :) The baby is walking a lot, hardly crawls anymore and is talking so much, says a new word what seems every few days! Sissy is a sponge, she is soaking it all up and acting more like her Mama Missy every day, yikes! :)
We did another photo shoot last week at the house, birthday shots 1 yr and 2 yr pics, it was so much fun! These girls are so adorable and just plain beautiful to me. I dressed them up in their birthday party outfits, Sissy's from her 2 yr. party a week and a half after we got them and Baby's party to come in a few weeks, they looked adorable. We went out into the orchards with a rocking chair that is actually from my Great Grandmother and took some amazing shots! This time the girls were in great moods! Then we came in and let Baby go to town smashing a birthday cake on the kitchen floor, it was so funny, even Sissy got in on the fun and MESS! :) I cannot wait to see the finished product! I just want to capture these so very special moments in their lives and have these first memories for us as well, so special to me.
This last weekend was Halloween, way fun time with the girls, got to have Halloween/trick or treating fun with my husbands family and our little cousins on that side, we had a monkey(baby cousin 4 mo) and a lion(cousin 16 mo) and our two little kitties, they were all so cute! Sissy practiced her trick or treating that night too, it was great, she just cares about the candy of course "nandy". Then on Halloween we went into town and trick or treated with some of our friends in a neighborhood where we know several families as well, it was so fun, Sissy did great and had a blast! She was a little slow for our 4 year old buddy and her cousins she was with too but we would throw her in the stroller and catch up to the speed treaters, heehee! I loved trick or treating again and all the houses with the fun spooky decorations, what a really fun, fun time and all the memories as a kid coming back!
November brings up several big events, Baby is turning the big 1! I cannot wait for her party and to celebrate this for her, such a big thing in a baby girls life and so honored we get to be apart of this! Cannot wait for the family and few friends to enjoy this with us too! We have a very big trial coming up that should set the tone and pace for the rest of this case and how it should go, some anxiety for sure over this is going on but I have faith things will be ok, just need it to get here already! And then we get to go on our first big family trip to my Dad's for Thanksgiving! We are heading off for about 5 days and I cannot wait for the little vacation, taking the girls to see my family and all the fun I know we will have, very special too! I have longed for so many of these special times we are going through with these girls!
My husband and I have been talking over little things that dawn on us from week to week with these girlies and realizing that they are 15 months apart, there will be some very close and busy times with them only being about a year apart in most everything! Aghhhh! haha Ya a little nerve racking to think about, life will be crazy thats for sure, my hubby swears we are done already, LOL! 2 girls is enough for me he claims, haha! :) We will see dear I say! :) I may need a boy to off set the girl drama!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fun and Special Moments!

Today we got to have the joy of taking pictures out at the Pumpkin Patch in the girl's costumes. It was an experience I will say. :)~ They were not in the best moods, although they like their costumes "black cats" tutus and all, they were not happy and just wanted to do their own thing, like normal! haha Baby was curious about it all and did ok, she was easier to capture but Sissy did not want to cooperate at all with us, I think our photographer finally got a few shots of them both together and happy before we had to give in to the lollipops. What a cute place to take pics though and I love their costumes, although we decided not to draw on cat nose and whiskers cuz we were afraid they would wipe it all over and make a mess out of it, I do really still love the outfits I ran all over to get yesterday! I cannot wait to see the finished product. Next week is their birthday shots, we will see how that goes!
Another great special time today, my Dad and Step Mom came out to meet the girls for the first time, it was so awesome! A lot of the family has met the girls now but not them, so it was very special. Seeing my parents with the girls is so special in itself, for that is what I have longed for, for so long now is my family with them and traditions carried on. I didn't think it would make me emotional seeing them with the girls today but a few times I got choked up. There were some really adorable and sweet moments with each of them and the girls, specially seeing my Dad with them and I just loved it, touches my heart so much, they love him already, even Baby who is so shy at times. I cannot wait for our trip over Thanksgiving with them, it will be so fun with Grandpa and Grandma! Something that was just so cute was my Dad laid down for a little rest in our living room on the floor and Sissy got her blanket, pillow and dolly and laid next to him, my Dad passed out and started snoring and Sis watched a movie and while he slept she petted his hair, heehee, so adorable! Just makes me smile! :)))

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Court, 3 and 11 months!

We had court on Friday and nothing happened because they had to just postpone the actual hearing two weeks out because the county did not turn in paper work in on time for the court to receive in time and go over. These things happen a lot I hear and so here we are looking at 6 weeks now most likely just to sentence the parents! It has almost been 3 months since these girls came into our lives and we are still waiting to have these birth parents sentenced, seems like it has been so long and they have been here for ever! But then hearing just 3 months and I realize so much has actually happened in that time. I can be patient, something I am not very good at but I can and will. I know what is waiting for me in the end and I know it is the best thing to ever happen to me besides my hubby and I finding each other and having him in my life and future as well.
So back we will go to court in 2 weeks and they will most likely go trial over all of this which will be a month out from there. :)~
On the 21st of this month it will be 3 months since these girlies came to be in our lives, gosh, we talk about that day a lot, it was insane, the first few weeks like I have said so many times, I can't believe we survived them. These girls have changed so much, I can't even believe it, Sissy doesn't even seem like the same little girl that came to us at all, I look back and think wow, she has just evolved into this little amazing, blonde haired, silly, smart and happy little girl. I just love her to death, she is my little girl I always tell her. Baby cakes, man, watch out world cuz here she comes, just growing, getting teeth, longer hair, walking and most likely running soon I am sure too, she is crazy. She is my Baby girl though and I love having her as that and still little enough to get that too. She turned 11 months on the 14th and I just can't believe we will be celebrating her first birthday next month, I am so excited to get to be a part of this huge milestone in her life, I can't wait. I think to myself a lot, we are so lucky to have gotten these girls when they were so young, to get to go through so much with them, God you knew what you were doing. ;)
This next week will be busy, appointments, visits and Halloween pics which I am so excited for. Although I have to get the rest of their costumes and get them put together, I am so excited. This is such a fun time of year.
My hubby and I will have had our first date 7 years ago Oct 23rd and have been together ever since, never would have thought our lives would take us to the point we are at now and I couldn't be happier. We will be going back to our little spot, where that first date happened, maybe we can even get our same little booth! :))) xoxoxox

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Match Meeting

Today was our Match Meeting, such a big day! We have officially been labeled as the girls Risk Adopt family. They are an adoptive placement now. The journey still continues and we have not even started the 6 mo adoption process yet but hoping after court on Fri we will find out when that will begin, that is if hearings or trials do not get delayed. What was handled today was basically explaining to us the girls history and birth parents as well and how this all came to be to this point. We received a big packet of info and I have yet to get passed the first couple of pages but once the girls go to sleep I am ready to read all about everyone. I am anxious to read on further, we receive all info they have on birth parents entire history and lives plus the girls, interesting info so far, explains a few things. It is so refreshing that their social worker and the adoptions worker are so on board to not send them back to birth parents. Their birth parents are all a big mess and have been for many, many years, there should be no question in anyones minds that they should never go back to lives like they had. So sad what they even went through for how long they did.
I am just so happy and excited we have come to this point, a day that I have dreamt about for over a year now. I remember thinking I just want to get to this point, please oh Lord! Normally when this would happen we would hear about the risk adopt children first before they would be placed with us, then have  the Match Meeting and then say yes or no to them after receiving the info and go forward to starting to visit with them until they came to live with us forever, or move on to the next case. Well not the case here, we got these girls first and as foster children so we all know how it went from there but oh man do I thank our social worker, God and my husband too for us all opening up our lives and guiding us to foster care as well, or these little baby girls would not be with us right now. It is all falling into place, I can see it now.
Now on to court to see what the judge says in sentencing the parents, it is recommended that parents do not get any services to get their children back because of their pasts, also no help in any rehab or classes of any sort and also visits get reduced down to two times per mo, we will either get the green light and go forwarder to the adoption process start date and reduced visits or we will get delayed and go to trial next mo if any of the birth parents contest. Our social worker says be prepared to get delayed or postponed. Of course that is so annoying and we just want to move forward but we are prepared as much as can be to be patient and wait this out. I know in the end everything will be ok no matter how bumpy the ride will get. :0)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Latest!

I have not blogged in a little while, been busy like always. Things are still booming around here, busy life with the girlies, visits with birth parents(dislike those days) school group for Sis, family life(what little time we all have together)etc, etc!!! Life with the girls is still so surreal sometimes, I just can't believe they are here at times. I love all the little amazing moments, I just want to soak them up and I could do without the tough, stressful, hard and just down right awful times too but I know its life and no one said it would be easy! :)
The Baby is just crazy, she is such a spit fire still and getting more so I think, she is going to be a sassy Mama I tell ya. She has been taking lots of steps in a row, walked across half a room so far, she wants to be so big this kid and she is just the tiniest little thing. I can't believe she is almost one, we are putting together a little family party for her for her birthday next month and it is fun planning, although I have been so indecisive about it all, I am happy what is turning out to be. I wish we could do more and give her a huge bash, I love parties but this will be just fine and have a lot of her new fam here for her! I can't wait to see her smash that cake and go for it. Because we hope to have a HUGE celebration when the time is right for the adoption, we didn't want to do something too big now for her birthday too, one thing at a time right now, so much going on. We are getting ready to stop bottles with her and formula and move on to just whole milk, she is eating good table foods and prefers that, I just want to make sure she keeps packing on weight so gotta watch that. I am also very ready to get her in a forward facing car set too, she hates facing back, last time we checked she was 18lbs, hoping she will be 20 by her 1st birthday so we can turn her around, in hopefully a new car seat for her bday! I love this little bug so much and she loves me bunches, she is my little baby cakes an I just couldn't live my life without her. :)
Sis is doing better and better each week, she has her 2 yr old moments of course(Grrrrr) LOL but we get through it. She is learning so much, we are really working with her, her speech is really improving, in fact most days we can't shut her up, lol! She is just so loving, with an attitude sometimes and in her way but she is a cuddle bug and loves her attention for sure. I love how she just squeezes onto me sometimes and loves and kisses me. I love the love from the girls, it is the absolute best. Sis is still working on the potty thing, she will go anytime on the potty we put her on but she also has no prob going in her pants. I feel this is mainly due to birth Mom leaving them so soiled all the time, she just is so used to that. She will tell us once in a while if she has gone poopoo but hardly ever so we have to get to that point. We are out and about a lot too so it is very hard to work on it. Once the visits with birth parents get reduced we are going to go strong. She will get it I know it, she is close. We would love to not do diapers or pullups with her anymore like I have said before. :0)
Her school and KCKids is going well, she is considered Developmentally challenged like I have said before too but she is really showing so much improvement, I think with so much help this little girl is going to be ok. There are still some concerns we have at how much and what she will have challenges with as she gets older but I am so proud of her. It will be my #1 priority to give her all she needs to catch up and be what she can be.
This is such a fun time of year, I have got to get the rest of their costumes but at least I finally decided what they are going to be, I can't wait, so fun. We have a friend that is going to do a photo shoot for us, going to do 2 yr pics for Sis, 1 yr pics for baby, Halloween and pumpkin time shots and family photos too, I can't wait. So Excited!!!!
This next week we have some exciting times and some stressful times too.  We will be having our Match Meeting this week, which I am super pumped about. I remember when we got certified I remember our social worker explaining how things would go once we would get an adoptive placement, I remember hearing her talk about the Match Meeting and this was a big step in the process, so I am so glad to be at this point. They will officially ask us to adopt the girls and we will get lots of info on them, all they have. Even though they know we will adopt them and we have info it will be good to have this, I am excited. But we also have court this week too and this is making me nervous on what will exactly happen in court. Most likely we will get postponed out several weeks to a trial, so that annoys me but we will just have to see what happens with it all. This hearing is to sentence the parents and though of course we want things to go one way, they don't always do. It has been recommended now both parents be denied services and we go forward the the 2-6 hearing but it is all up to the judge to determine this and she may post pone things a few weeks before we will know all this. We have a good judge and feel she will be on the side of the girls, so lots of prayers will be said for this day and I will be so glad to get it over with. They are also going to ask for visits to be reduced and I am praying, praying we can get that granted, I hate dealing with these visit days.
Onto the start of another week in our crazy adventure, my how our lives have changed and I just want to pinch myself everyday to make sure I am not dreaming. Almost 3 months we have had the girls in our lives, so much has happened in these 3 mo. :0)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A nine to ten month process??!!

I wanted to share some of the feelings I have about getting this news over the last week. I honestly feel as though if a doctor told us we were expecting a baby(two babies) in nine to ten months, like if we just got that news and we were celebrating and telling all of our family and friends! Of course it is different but I have never felt this feeling and experienced this and this is the only thing I can compare it to because we are going to be parents and we did just find out and it very well could take nine to ten months to finalize everything! By the time we start our adoption process it could be the end of the year, although to me it has already begun. I already feel as though these are my daughters! It is weird, its like we are going backwards, most expecting parents find out the news and wait over nine months to meet their precious son or daughter, we got them first and then got the news and now have to wait for it to be legal, it's a crazy thing to go through. And although expecting parents to twins find out there is more than one, usually you get one at a time, not us, instant family to two daughters, heehee! Who would have thought!
I am so honored to be adopting these girls, I am so honored to talk with their birth Mom, which surprisingly is actually very civil, friendly and loving, and be talking about the future with her and a permanent situation. Their birth Mom has been through this before and knows the process, she knows she is done and she is actually already doing things before it is even time! She and I talk, we talk a lot and although I do not allow her to much personal info, she has told me she is really happy her girls are with us, she knows they will have a great life and a much better, healthier and safer life at that. She wrote her daughters letters to read when they are old enough to understand and they were beautiful, they made me cry. I think she honestly gets it, although I wish she would get herself together and quit having children, I would not have these girls if she would have not had them, so from now on I hope she stops, i thank her too for giving me these babies.
I will some day tell the girls about this journey and their birth Mom, I want them to know when they can understand how this all happened and worked out, of course I want to protect them from any pain or hurt but I will tell them and be as honest with them as I think should be. Their birth Mom truly loves them, this I know and I know she never meant to harm them but she loves her drugs more and can't get clean and out of this life style. I pray for her all the time and hope to God she gets herself clean because I fear that we may get a call that it was too late and she has done herself in for good, I fear this all the time.
I have saved the letters from their Mother and will be starting a box for each of them and placing things from her in them, these will be their special boxes, I want them to have this. I want their Mom to know too how much we wanted this and how amazing it feels to be taking care of and getting to adopt these angels. I want her to know we will always do our best to give them what ever they need, they are our number one priority and we will bend over backwards for them, no matter what it takes!
Their Mom has expressed some wants for them and although when they are our daughters it is up to us to do what we wish for them, I want her to know we will do things that we feel are best for them and us. She may not like it all but I want to be honest with her and tell her why. One big thing is we plan to change their names, I am sure she will not be happy about this but we plan to have some form of at least written contact with her, so she will know that we will be changing their names. I am going to explain this to her in the next few months and I hope and pray she can understand and be at peace with the decisions we make.
Changing their names is a huge deal to us, it makes them ours it gives them the new life we are all starting and we are picking names that we feel fit them and fit the family they are joining. It is a hard thing to do and I want to do this asap so they do not get too old to go through this. This is why we call them by their nicknames most of the time. We have two names in mind but they are not set in stone so we are still making that perfect decision. By the time we start the 6mo process we can start calling them by their new names, I can wait till that happens!
I can't believe how this is all going and I only pray for it continue on this way and this smoothly, with birth Mom and everything, it is just such a blessing!
On to the next nine to ten months, making plans, making big decisions and all the fun too! I can't wait to call them by their new names, I can't wait to re do their room, I can't wait to celebrate with all of our family and friends that these are our new daughters!!! I want to have the biggest party ever! :))))))

Maybe I should write a book, I got so much to tell! :)

I sometimes think my brain is going to burst with all the things I want to express and tell! This experience is just so unbelievable. From the time Erin and I started trying to have a family and the years of disappointment and trying so many things and weighing our options and even wondering if this was the right way to go, I have never been more reassured than now, this is where we are supposed to be!
Some of you know how we got involved in this but let me tell you quickly, this is all a pretty amazing story, I think! So my husband and I had been going through the ups and downs of infertility issues and we decided to check into adoption, we knew after checking into private adoption, like fertility as well we could not afford much in these departments. We actually tried to make it happen on both ends but were unsuccessful. As we checked into Foster Adoption we started one summer to get certified through the county and then my husband got a new job, his career he has now, that we knew was going to be a great career and that had to take focus. So yet again we were back to noting in the family department. It wasn't until almost a year later, I came across an old friend and go figure Facebook, she and I had know each other since we were kids but had not talked in years. As I found out what she did as a career I could not believe it, she was a social worker! I told her about our struggles and our wishes to have a family more than anything, as she gave me info on so many routes we could take we decided to go with the agency she worked for and we got certified to become Foster Adopt parents a year ago this last August.
Now this was a tough year, very tough year, we did not want to Foster, we only wanted to adopt but as the year went on we allowed our selves to Foster and though it was hear breaking at times, I can say we would not be where we are at today if we would not have listened to our awesome social worker and did foster care! Now as for the girls their story of how they came to us gets even crazier! When we had precious new born baby P for 6 weeks, we were so sad he was going to be leaving us but I had honestly made peace with it, had decided life was going to go back to the way it was and we were going to get some rest, take a break and just breathe till the next situation, which we were hoping was only foster/adoption, we honestly did not want to do the foster thing again, we were very sad over baby P! But to our shocking surprise two days before he was leaving us, while I was in his meeting with the new Foster parents, one of the gals at the agency called our social worker a billion times and was frantic, she explained how she had submitted us for these two girls and because like so many times before not been picked she thought I will just do it because what are the odds! :) Now she is not technically supposed to be the one sending off our Home study but she felt it won't happen so why not, and guess what, we got picked of course, and she thought oh i am in so much trouble here! Well we all know how this turns out now, I have to say I could not love her more right now, LOL!
Receiving these two little girls was the hardest thing we ever went through for a few weeks, the first few days were the worst by far, baby P was still here and it was absolute HELL, sorry to say but it was. But I know why God wanted this, to ease our pain from loosing baby P.
Now with everything happening and us getting the info this last week that the parents are done and we will be getting to adopt them, I see how it all falls together, it was so hard to see for so many years what God wanted for us, I just couldn't understand for the longest time but now I do! I am so filled with happiness, love, feeling so blessed and felling so thankful, I thank God for these girls everyday, even the tough days!
I can't wait to some day read all of these blogs to the girls when they are old enough to understand all of this! They were dreamed of a long time ago! :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Good News Continues!

I had an amazing evening after I received an email from the girls social worker this evening, I actually screamed when I read the news and started balling with joy, after the day I have had you will understand why too. As I took Baby girl to her visit today and had to leave her screaming from the stranger of a father she has, I was so upset and just wanted to cry. I just thought a little baby should not have to go through this, she just should not, it is so not fare to her. The supervising worker had to call me after 35 minutes because she had not stopped screaming. I went back to help calm her down during the visit and she would not go back to him, while I was happy she did not go for him and is not forming a bond what so ever, I hate this trauma it puts her through for this time.
As I drove home after in the car I prayed to God that this would stop and we could see an answer to this problem and issue and for her not ever, ever go back to this man! Please oh please Lord I said give me a sign that this will be ok. When we finally got home after such a long day I sat down to read my emails and also wrote the girls social worker to tell her of this rough visit day we had with birth Dad, to my surprise she had wrote me at the same time. In the email she told me that last week the reunification board met to discuss Dad and they decided to NOT offer him services for "FR" Family reunification, this is when I screamed with joy and started balling! LOL I was so happy and excited and thank you Lord for hearing me! This is so awesome, we thought he was going to get 6 months of services and help and now he is not and due to his criminal back ground he never should and that is the reason they are no! Yes, yes they realize that what these girls need are to NOT be around these parents anymore, yes! We have a great reunification worker that realizes what is best for these babies! Now each birth parent will still get to have their visits for a period of time, how long that shall be I am still waiting for the exact time line on that but if we are lucky maybe by the ned of the year it will be done, no more visits! :) I am so happy to hear all this good news, to have some worries put aside and begin to officially think like a family, like a real family and these are our daughters! This is an amazing feeling you have no idea, they will be ours, I feel like climbing a mountain and screaming at the top of my lungs with joy! Heehee We are here, we are actually here!
Now of course there will still be the process of court hearings and waiting for the important time line and marks we want to hit, I will keep you all posted on that, it will not be official and the adoption will not be final for sometime but this is all just what we want and where we want to be right now, it is going very well and how we want, it is hard to understand unless you have been through it or had a family member or friend go through the process but as our social worker said today, it is time to be happy, it is time now to celebrate!!! :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Starting a New Chapter!

Today is the official last day of Missy's Lil'ones Daycare, after 4 years I am closing the doors! I feel this was meant to be and it completely led in this direction. I don't feel I inconvenienced any of the few last families too terribly and everyone has good easy transitions to go into to, I think this was such a sign of it being so right. I was so stressed about the girls situation and how I was going to do it all. I tired to find help and it didn't work, I tried to work only part time but the schedules did not comply or one of my parents needed full time still. I know after making this big decision that it was all meant to go in this direction, right now my time and focus is needed for the girls and things are falling into place for that. It is proven to me every week when almost every day I have something for them that is taking place, it would not be fare to my daycare families to have to always deal with this, I would not be able to provide a good service any longer. I am so excited to start this new chapter as a full time Mommy, a super busy one at that too but I will miss my day care buddies so much! I already do!
Today my last little guy brought me a gift, well you know his Mommy did and it was so sweet, when I read the card it made me just ball, I feel so loved and so appreciated. I have watched this little guy, like many of the others from when he was a baby and now he is 4! :) Watching kiddos grow through out these years has been why I do what I do, making the connections and the relationships too. I have always loved working with kids, teaching them, having fun with them and watching them grow into amazing little people! I so appreciate the amazing families that have stuck with me and all of my ups and downs too, I have had some amazing parents and families, it was a great business for these years to have. I will so miss all my little friends, I already miss the ones that have come and go through the years so much and will miss all the latest buddies soooooo much too! :( Thank you if you were apart of Missy's Lil'ones, you will never be forgotten! xoxoxox
Now I move on to this new role as Mommy, we finally get to be parents, our family has finally begun. It is funny because I started this daycare to be a Mom, to work at home and make income while I was a parent but because God had a different plan for us that I could not see for so long, we are now headed in a different direction and I am very excited, feel so blessed and thankful that he is leading us this way, it feels amazing! :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's ALWAYS an interesting life being a parent!

So could it be that Sissy might just potty train herself, haha! Today she for the first time was caught in the action of pooping in her diaper and I said "Sis are you going poopoo?" She said "yes" and I said, "You should have told Mommy Sis" She looked at me and said "go to potty" I said "yes, yes run." So she went to the potty and even though she had started to go she finished in the potty and we continued to use it through out the day and even wore panties, she had an accident once but was ok after that. Of course she is in a diaper for bed time but maybe just maybe we are on our way now. I hate potty training, I have worked with so many kiddos on this but once they get it, it is so very exciting. I do not want to push her she has way too much going on right now in her little life, so we just try and when she goes in the potty she is really rewarded! She will get it, she is a smart little thing and she does go every time on the potty she gets on too, it's just not going in her pants and not liking the feeling of it that we need to work on! Telling us too when she has gone or needs to is what has not been happening so this was a good step today! It is the best feeling to teach your children things and they get it, what a huge reward for me too when we will have this down! Yay to Sis, I want to go out and get her a bunch of cute undies now, heehee!
Oh to not buy diapers for her would be so awesome, we keep saying we will not go to Costco for hers so we need to get her potty trained or have her get it down soon, LOL! :)
Now teething and Baby girl is just about to do me in, oh man how do parents survive this, seriously, haha?! Second tooth now coming in, so two little bottom ones at the same time and I really think the top are going to come very soon as well, feels like it. Nothing helps, seriously tired everything, nothing helps, if it does it's only for a short time. We cannot give her Tylenol 24/7 geesh! I just hope and pray she gets them all soon, she is in pain and not sleeping the same or eating the same either, she is so cranky and clingy too, poor thing. Hurry up teeth, just come in already please I beg of you, LOL!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Update on the girls and our last few weeks!

I can't even remember the little things anymore, some days I am not sure my head is even attached! :)
So much going on, life is so busy and crazy, I wish I could just pause everything and take it all in because it is the amazing moments you want to freeze in time and soak it all up. I find my self going through so many emotions through out the weeks, even day to day. Some days I am so happy, filled with love, joy and just feel so blessed to be where we are. Some days I am just plain exhausted  and all I want is more sleep and thats all I can think about. Some days I am so anxious about what is going on with the girls and their case and I think is this just too good to be true and what is really going to happen, then the worry starts to take over me, "Please Lord don't ever take these precious babies from me." And some days I just want to break a way and get a Mommy break from the two little girlies that I love to death but where me out at the same time too, I want to play and do what ever I want and not have to be on Mom duty. It is a huge job to be a Mother, let a lone one of two girls that came from where they did and go through what they are going through and are 15 months apart. Would I ever want it different, no never, not in a heart beat, I love them so much and I know God saved them for us, I know he wanted them to be with us forever? It all makes sense now, we realize that and see what he wanted and where he wanted us. And I know he is teaching me so many lessons, Mother hood is all I ever wanted and it is and will be the toughest job I will ever have in my life. But the rewards that come with it is the highest paying job I will ever have as well, no money involved ever as the reward too.
My husband and I talked last night about how much our lives have changed in the last 3 1/2 months, that is when we got baby Phil then led into these girls and we said this is it, this is our family and we are not focused on that biological child that we so tried for for so many of the last years, we know that we were meant to have these girls and everything else is ok, we do not need to be parents to a biological child to have a family and be fulfilled in life, we were meant to adopt. We do not know what the future will bring but for now this is where we are and it feels so good. So many emotions going thru us right now, stress, excitement, just plain tired, nerves, scared and so much love, like I said before, no wonder things are so nuts. :)
I wanted to post about the girls too and give a little update on them:
Sissy-she is doing awesome, she is a 2 year old in so many ways, even though she has Developmental challenges and is behind, she is dealing with a lot of normal age appropriate behaviors too. It is always a challenge with a 2 year old around, funny great times and they are learning so much and then down right awful times when they are learning the hard things about life, that they "can't" do what they want all the time. We have many people coming around for this little gal right now and it is so awesome to have the support from the county and so many services for her. She has 3 eye conditions and is Developmentally challenged so we are working on Vision therapy, Occupational therapy and Speech therapy. I think with all of this and she has such a desire to learn she is going to be just fine. Along with all of this she and we can also receive family therapy and counseling for her and us to work with the emotional toll this is all having on her. It is so great and all helps so very much. She is my mini me I call her, I love her so much and she is my daughter already, I am so blessed to have her and prayed for this. Sissy also has lost weight, is wearing a size smaller in diapers and her clothes are fitting bigger. She as well has her other baby teeth finally coming in too.
Little Baby cakes is just cute as a button but the little sassiest thing man, she is so funny, doing so well, emotionally, developmentally, I mean she is just on top of it all. She is going to be just fine, she is so smart and doing great. She has gained 4lbs in two months and just might be 20lbs by her first b-day. She is teething and it is a huge challenge, I loathe teething, it is tough, I feel so bad for her pain but man rough for parents too. She is super active and into everything, she should be walking too very soon, she is a speed crawler now and stands on her own as well as moves around the house hanging onto everything. She keeps us on our toes that is for sure. She started to see her birth Dad for visits this week and I hate it, I hate leaving her, she cried on Friday and it just makes me sad mad and sad it even needs to happen. I pray we can get through this hard time all ok and soon too. I love this baby girl so much, she loves me and I know I am her Mama when all that comforts her is me, when she points to me and smiles when I come near her, I love it.
Both of these girls make me feel so good as their Mommy, to hear Sissy get excited and call us Mommy and Daddy, it is amazing, so great to hear after all these years and just really feel it too. I am thankful and feel blessed to be here in our lives, it is not easy and it is still a bumpy road we are on but I thank God for them everyday no matter how I feel. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Match Meeting!

Our Match Meeting is being planned, this is a meeting in which we are officially matched to the girls for adoption! This means no other family will be chosen, we are the chosen ones and we will be asked at that time if we will adopt the girls, of course we will say yes! We will get all of their info that they have on them the good, the bad and the ugly too! This is big, I never thought this would ever happen, to get to this point! We have waited so long for something like this, we have had so many set backs and heart ache over the last almost 4 years and now over a year with being certified too! This is always what we want to be parents and to adopt as well! To get what we have dreamt  about for so long a beautiful family, healthy beautiful children!
Like I explained in the last post a bit, it is going to go in stages. We will have hearings and court dates and Sissy will be adopted first! It is a real bummer we will not get to adopt the girls together but that is how it goes! We will have to wait it out for 6 mo and see what her dad does, we really feel he will not prove himself fit we really don't think he can pull that off, not with his history but we will have to wait, it will be a very scary 6 mo for our little Baby girl and us!
Like I said in the last post too, daughters, I can't believe it, daughters!!! It is amazing how much Sissy girl looks like her "Me" too! I know God you knew what you were doing, you wanted us to wait, you had these girls saved for us, I know it now!:))))

Monday, September 20, 2010

Finally Some Exciting News

Well we received some exciting news today that we have been waiting to hear! We ARE the chosen family that will get to adopt the girls once they have officially gone to adoption!!! (They have been referred to Adoption already) This is so exciting, they will not be looking for another family or a county family, they have ruled that out. They feel for all the same reasons that we wanted them to, that it is best for them to stay with us. Amen to answered prayers, this is such a wonderful thing for them and for us! We were so scared at what the county was going to do but we are so relieved they see what is the best for the girls.
We are still going through the process and it will get a little complicated and tricky too, next month will determine a lot more, specially on Baby girls birth Father's end. As far as their birth mother it is pretty much done for her, is the status I was told today, she has pretty much burned her bridges and is done. Unfortunately it looks as though these girls will be adopted out at different times due to two different dads so we may get Sissy first and then have to wait on Baby girl! It is complicated of course!
 But we move on and we keep chugging a long and nothing is final until it is final but we have a really great and an amazing thing that could be going on here! Two daughters, never would have thought my life my end up like this, wow, crazy!! I always wanted sons, haha! My husband is so out numbered, all he has is the cat now!
Keep the prayers coming for us and the girls please, we feel them and prayers are getting answered, it is wonderful! Please pray for baby girl and the situation with her and the birth father, we might have some bumps along the way and will need prayers!!! I feel that in the end though God knows where these girls belong! :)))

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Moving Forward Finally!

I got the experience of going to my first court day as a Foster Parent today! I got to witness a trial actually, it was interesting at the least! We had to wait from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. to get called in, even had a break for lunch for an hour in there too, it was such a long wait to go in for basically 30 min! Gosh! Thank goodness I/we have the best Social Worker around and she was by my side the whole time because there are some sketchy people around that place, man oh man! :(~
Not only that but at one point poor her and I where in between birth father to baby girl and birth mother to both of the girls and there is major issues between the two, it was an awkward moment I would say! LOL
We also had to endure their birth mother for most of the day as well, as she jibber jabbered to us non stop, haha, I am around this woman a lot so I can laugh about this, I have really gotten to know a lot about this woman, man oh man, too much I would say, wow! She and I are very civil and I sure hope it stays that way, I do believe she loves her daughters a lot but she is a true mess and she loves her drugs way more and cannot get clean and healthy! She knows her girls are safe and loved and I enforce that to her all the time!
Baby girl's birth father is an interesting guy, in a very sketchy way I will say, was not to happy to have to meet him but I will have to be seeing him for visits now so it had to happen at some point! These birth parents need to get help, they are a mess and have a long history of drugs, domestic violence and criminal backgrounds, it is really sad! Thank goodness right now all 3 girls are in safe, happy and loving homes and lets hope it stays that way!
Todays court was to finally get passed  the birth parents and why their kids were removed or placed in care! Had to go to trial over this but at least we can move forward now, judge said charges were reasonable and for the right reasons and we now move forward to the Deposition next month, this will actually give a sentence on what they feel should happen with the girls, we are praying of course "Adoption"! It's already been referred so lets keep going in that direction, yes! The chances of these birth parents ever getting their acts together, getting jobs, getting clean and staying clean or even having decent homes to love and provided for their babies, is very rare!
I could not wait to get home to the girls today, I felt as if I was at work all day, I missed them lots, specially poor Sissy being sick! :(
Today also marks 8 weeks we have had the girls! As the weeks go by and months add on it is only in our favor and so very positive for us! :0)))

Monday, September 13, 2010

Exciting Times to Watch these Girls Grow

I just had to document this down for sure, Baby is FINALLY getting her teeth! Yay, I am so excited a day shy of turning 10 months old her first tooth has broke through! She is actually getting both her bottom teeth I noticed but only one has come through so far, the other is right there, oh man! She is going to look so cute with two little bottom teethers!
Sissy is getting her eye teeth too, she is now getting both her top and bottom eye teeth, crazy all four, it is amazing once these girls started thriving what amazing changes and growth these girls go through. She is two and does not even have all her baby teeth, crazy but they are coming and I have two babies teething, man that might explain a few things, haha!
I am so proud and happy to be apart of these big milestones and changes in these girls.
Now lets see if we can get through our crazy busy week and I am sure it will be emotionally trying, there is some not so fun stuff we will have to be doing! :(

Friday, September 10, 2010

What a week!

Man what a week! I love these girls and my role as their Mama right now but man oh man, this job is so tough sometimes! Of course any parent knows how tough it is but also being that they are Foster children and what all else we have to deal with! As I chose to close my daycare after 4 years about a week ago, it has just been proven to me how crazy things are going to be around here with out even having this second job too! In the last week I have received a phone call from someone about the girls to set up an assessment, a visit, an appointment of some sort for like almost every day of the week here on out for this month! Oh my things are nuts, I sure hope my head stays on! I love the days it is just me and the girls at home sticking to our good ol schedule getting things done, like laundry and the normal simple things in life! When we have to have a bunch of appointments, running around, visits and assessments or people around it seems to really throw things off big time! The girls do so well and are so happy when they stick to their routine, their naps and meal times, oh it makes life so much easier! And the days we go to see birth Mom are just a mess, we have had ok ones and even better times but poor Sissy girl, it is rough on her, so confusing, she doesn't understand, she is 2! It doesn't seem to bother the baby much, except she gets off on her naps and meals and that is enough to make her cranky!
Sissy has been through so much in the last week, had her teeth worked on and had to go back to that eye specialist in Bakersfield, if I were a kid, I would be freaked out by that place! She is a trooper but does not like certain things there of course, it is always a trying time! This little girl should not have to be going through all of this, it breaks my heart but then on the other end I/we have to deal with the poor thing and her moods or tantrums now! She has been really acting out, I know this is due to what is going on in her life but it is tough even for us to deal with, plus it is new too! :( She has so much going on in her little life right now and she is such an adorable, loving little precious, I sure hope things can get better for her soon but I am thinking it may be a lot longer as we go through this process, it is a long and drawn out process! :(
Well it is the weekend now and things always look up on a new day, I say good bye to this week and hello to a new day tomorrow and new week this next week! Good night! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

7 weeks today!

It is amazing that 7 weeks have gone by to this day, can't believe that 7 weeks ago they came into our lives! Things were so different then, it is just crazy how far we have truly come! For one I never thought my summer would have been 6 weeks of caring for a new born baby boy and now 7 weeks of two beautiful little girls, it has been 13 weeks total and it is just so surreal! I have said so many times that being a Foster Mama is just a tough, tough, emotional but truly the best job, I love it, it makes me so happy and full of rewards and love!
I was sitting with our wonderful Social Worker/good friend last night and discussing how the first few weeks were with these girls and I feel like that was just so long ago, we have really come so far! These were neglected, damaged little girls, who needed so much and in just 7 weeks we are really doing so well, many things with these girls are just normal, child like ways, there is still a few scars and issues from the past but with just a healthy loving home , parents and environment they are young enough to make huge leaps and bounds, it is so awesome! Our Social Worker reminded me that I would tell her they just cry all the time, how will we ever get passed this? I remember she told me it could last for several weeks and I thought to myself, I can't do this, my husband thought and said to me many times, we can't do this, I can't take the crying! And when I say crying , the baby, it was not crying , it was screaming, all the time screaming! It was truly "the hell" weeks I will say!
Now being this week 7, wow the difference! They feel like they have been ours forever. They fit into our lives now like they were meant to, like they are the missing pieces! Our routine and schedule, they thrive on and need, the love, hugs and cuddles they soak up, the lessons taught are tough sometimes but they love and desire to learn so much! Last night while I kissed and hugged Sissy girl in her bed, she wrapped her little arms around my neck and squeezed so tight, we giggled and did kisses and when I went to pull away she would not let go, she held on so tight and kissed and cuddled me forever! I will never forget times like this, times like this are what make my life and my job as their Mama right now the best thing in the entire world!
We have many days where I am so tired, frustrated, mad, angry, emotional etc! But we also have the days that are just awesome and so happy and great and just plain fun! I know these are the ups and downs of Mother hood! :) Hearing the baby saying "Dada, Dada, Dada???" at the top of her little voice this morning as I lay in bed so sleepy not wanting to get up just made me lay there and smile, thank you lord for their little selves, thank you lord for placing them in our lives, thank you lord for getting us through the really, really tough times we thought we wouldn't and please guide us through the ones that I am sure are to come as well!
I can't wait to see where our lives take us now, as I finish up my last few weeks of the daycare I have run for the last 4 years and start this new chapter of being a full time Foster Mama to the girls, my life is devoted to them right now and I wouldn't want it any other way! I love you Sissy girl and Baby girl so very much!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Potty Training and Walking!

So today we are trying new things around here! Not as if these girls have not had so much progress since they have come to us but today we started officially potty training Sissy and Baby girl started standing on her own a bit and taking steps while holding our hands!
It has been so amazing to see these girls just thrive, grow and accomplish so much in a little over 6 weeks but to now whiteness the joys of potty training and walking, these are big milestones in two little girls lives!
I do not like potty training one bit, never have and who does, seriously but to see a kiddo learn to get it and go on their own is super exciting and a big huge step into a little child not a baby anymore, it's very big stuff! :) I will be so proud of her if she gets this soon! We have gone to panties now during the day at home(of course) and diapers at night time still! We will see how this goes, have had some accidents of course but also gone on the potty too, so we will keep plugging along, I know she will get it!
Baby girl is so big already, all though in reality she is so tiny in size, she thinks she is so big, heehee! She has been pulling up along the furniture since we have had her, she can move all around and she speed crawls like no one else! LOL But yesterday and now today she has stood on her own several times, so we started helping her take some steps while holding her hands, she could be walking very soon! She gets very excited doing this, she is such a doll and I love her little laugh! It is so awesome to be apart of these stages in their lives! :)
We had a very long day today, a visit with their birth Mom and not a lot of napping going on, so girls are down and I am so pooped out, it is rest time for me now too, one tired Foster Mama over here! But love my girlies and am so proud of them!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

6 Weeks!!!

I wanted to start a new blog when we got Baby P and now the girls but we have been so crazy busy I have been updating you all in my Notes on FB! So I am going to give it a shot here, we will see how often I can update!
Well it has been 6 weeks already, we have had the girls, Sissy girl and Baby, now 2 years old and 9 months old for this long, crazy, it flew by like nothing! So, so much has happened in that 6 weeks, it feels on the other end of it like forever, in the best way, like they have been part of our lives forever! We have come so far from those first few days, it was so rough, we were not sure we would make it, we really did not think we would, it was bad! But we got through "Hell" week we called it and everyday it got better and better, these poor things, the trauma they went through being taken away, even though it should have happened long ago and it so had to happen too! They didn't understand what was going on!
These girls were neglected and to understand that and how far they have become you really would need to see things from our eyes and what remarkable progress they have made so far in just 6 weeks, it is amazing! We have worked so hard on just adjusting them to a "Normal" life, a loving, healthy, safe wonderful home and childhood! It didn't take them long to realize we will always be here for them, they can trust us and we WILL provide all for them! We will love them, comfort them and meet their needs always! It was interesting working with the Baby, she screamed all the time, all the time over and over, no tears, it was just terrible, and now guess what, none! She is a vocal little thing still but we have pretty much nipped that in the bud, we learned what she needed and we know now how to deal with her, as well as she knows we are here, she will not be left for hours on end to scream and cry! :( Breaks my heart!
Sissy girl has made such leaps and bounds through her progress! She loves to learn, she soaks it up! We have been really working on her speech, reading a lot, working on her words and trying to catch her up developmentally where she is a little bit behind! With the way we are going I think she is just going to strive to be such a bright girl! She is just so sweet, very loving and loves us so much, she loves to play, sing, dance, read books, learn, act silly, play in the water, loves her doggie Lucy and loves to act like me, haha, her Mama Missy!Uh oh! She is my mini me! She also loves her baby sister so much too and is very concerned when they are not together! I love this little girl so much!
Baby girl is just so adorable and I cannot help but hug and kiss her way too much, I think she even pushes me away now, heehee! She has come so far as well, she has grown and this is big, along with Sissy loosing 3 lbs Baby girl has gained several pounds too! Her hair has grown, her nails grow like weeds and she eats up a storm, this is so great because she is so small! She started babbling a few weeks ago and we have been really working on words with her too! To be able to hear her say "Mamma" and "Dadda" was so beautiful, to see her pick it up and learn is amazing! She is pretty smart for a 9 mo old I think, she understands so much already! We are working on eating more table foods right now, which she is all about, she wants what we are eating but she has no teeth yet, so we must go slow, I just have to blend up most things for her! She is learning to use her cup too, getting much better at it! And I really think she will be taking steps soon, she is moving and grooving this Baby girl, she is crazy, wants to be so big!
Being a Mama is so insane, it is the best thing in the whole world but it is the toughest job ever too! I sometimes don't even know how I will go on or get past something but some how I do! I am so honored though to be this for these girls, it is such a rewarding thing, the love we get back, the happiness, the hugs and kisses it is the absolute best thing in the world!
We have passed our mark as Foster Parents now, we have never gotten passed 6 weeks with kiddos before, so here is on to the next how many ever long weeks, months or even years, praying for forever!!!!
As you all have seen in many of my posts and comments going through this process is not easy, very stressful and emotional, we are waiting for more info to come on their case! Thank you for all of the prayers, always!