Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Update since Friday

March 18th, today we had no visit with birth Mom again and due to this happening so many times they removed her from the schedule, yay!! We made it 8 months through seeing her and she actually just gave up, she just quit coming, wow! I am so happy about this and I really feel she is not going to come anymore, she knows what is happening and knows she is done and has no more chances. I think knowing her, she would rather not come then face the pain again of saying goodbye like she did with the older one! She still has the option of seeing the girls she can still get her visits back but I don't think she will. They are reducing her visits down to once a month at this next court hearing and she will have 120 days of that so lets pray she doesn't decide to pop back up. 120 days after court and we should be free and done forever! Sissy's assessment should be starting very soon, this is the adoption process finally, finally! I am sure hoping by the end of this year it is final, it takes about 6 months total to finalize! Crossing our fingers!
On this note too we had been given the go ahead on telling her her new name, so very exciting to be able to do this. We have been calling her Sissy from the start and now she knows herself as that and it is a great way to transition her into her new name. I do not want to put it for safety purposes on my blog but she loves it and says it so cute, we still call her Sissy all of the time but are moving into slowly her new beautiful name! I was so excited to giver her new name this is so special for us it is really feeling like it's real now, she will be our first daughter and ours forever, it is so amazing! We gave her a name that fits her and a middle name that is a family name and then her taking our last name it is just so special, the future is laying out in front of us now and it is the best feeling.
Fri's visit with birth Dad was ok, he is just getting more and more strange, he keeps calling our Social worker and telling her that he has all these makeup visits that he does not have at all, he is just making up dates! Baby girl totally cried today and did not want to go to the supervising gal or him at all, I just hate it, it breaks my heart! Our Social Worker came over during his visit too that day and sat with me and we talked about stuff then she made sure we got to the car ok with out any issues from him, although it was weird because he called her right away in her office when she got back up to it! Things are fishy with him and we do not trust anything right now!
On Sat it was my birthday, the first birthday with our girls! I can only say it was about the best I felt in so long. Going through four years of pain and depression of not being able to have a baby made many holidays and birthdays hard to get through. I can't tell you how amazing it felt to wake up on the morning of my birthday and have a sweet little girl look at me and say "Happy Birthday Mommy" words I will never forget! Baby girl cuddled with me in bed and gave me hugs and kisses, it was so great. My husband took the girls to get balloons and a card from him and them and made it look like they wrote in it is was so cute, he made my day so great too and really helped with the girls. The girls loved celebrating the birthday as all birthdays they do, it was really fun! I felt so loved and I feel so blessed to have been given these two beautiful gifts on this day!
Sunday night we told Sissy her new name it was very special we told her at dinner and told her she was a very special girl and gets a very special new name, she has been saying it here and there if we ask her and it is adorable but she always puts Sissy in front of it, too funny! Glad the transition is working so well, we are very happy for that.
Monday we had counseling and we were on high from telling Sis and being able to tell her finally of her new name and no more visits with birth Mom either and well our high was shot down. I won't go into major details on this but sometimes I guess others have very different opinions on things like changing names. Some feel with this type of adoption you shouldn't or it may do more harm but we feel for safety and what and how she got her name it was for the best and we will be changing the baby's name as well for sure! With birth dad to baby being so crazy it is only the best for all of us to make sure that both girls are never found. They will get new SSN and entire new names too, so that is the best for everyone and the safest! We feel very good about this and know we are doing the right thing here, i feel bad that the therapist may not feel the same but we have others guiding us as well in counseling too and going through this journey that think it is the best too. This therapist is from the county and although we do really like her she has her side to things and her views sometimes. It was just a bummer to not get to tell her what a positive thing it has been and how Sissy has reacted to it too in such a good way, hopefully she will come around!
Today the Teacher, Vision teacher and Nurse came out through KCKids and the nurse had not seen Sissy since last year very shortly after we got the girls, she could not believe her eyes! She said she is like a different kiddo. She tested her eyes, her hearing, measured her and weighed her. She has lost weight, grown so much taller, she said she is 90% of her growth charts, she is going to be very tall. Her hearing was fine and her vision has gotten so much better! She said she looks awesome and we should be so proud and of course that we are everyday!!

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