Wednesday, September 1, 2010

6 Weeks!!!

I wanted to start a new blog when we got Baby P and now the girls but we have been so crazy busy I have been updating you all in my Notes on FB! So I am going to give it a shot here, we will see how often I can update!
Well it has been 6 weeks already, we have had the girls, Sissy girl and Baby, now 2 years old and 9 months old for this long, crazy, it flew by like nothing! So, so much has happened in that 6 weeks, it feels on the other end of it like forever, in the best way, like they have been part of our lives forever! We have come so far from those first few days, it was so rough, we were not sure we would make it, we really did not think we would, it was bad! But we got through "Hell" week we called it and everyday it got better and better, these poor things, the trauma they went through being taken away, even though it should have happened long ago and it so had to happen too! They didn't understand what was going on!
These girls were neglected and to understand that and how far they have become you really would need to see things from our eyes and what remarkable progress they have made so far in just 6 weeks, it is amazing! We have worked so hard on just adjusting them to a "Normal" life, a loving, healthy, safe wonderful home and childhood! It didn't take them long to realize we will always be here for them, they can trust us and we WILL provide all for them! We will love them, comfort them and meet their needs always! It was interesting working with the Baby, she screamed all the time, all the time over and over, no tears, it was just terrible, and now guess what, none! She is a vocal little thing still but we have pretty much nipped that in the bud, we learned what she needed and we know now how to deal with her, as well as she knows we are here, she will not be left for hours on end to scream and cry! :( Breaks my heart!
Sissy girl has made such leaps and bounds through her progress! She loves to learn, she soaks it up! We have been really working on her speech, reading a lot, working on her words and trying to catch her up developmentally where she is a little bit behind! With the way we are going I think she is just going to strive to be such a bright girl! She is just so sweet, very loving and loves us so much, she loves to play, sing, dance, read books, learn, act silly, play in the water, loves her doggie Lucy and loves to act like me, haha, her Mama Missy!Uh oh! She is my mini me! She also loves her baby sister so much too and is very concerned when they are not together! I love this little girl so much!
Baby girl is just so adorable and I cannot help but hug and kiss her way too much, I think she even pushes me away now, heehee! She has come so far as well, she has grown and this is big, along with Sissy loosing 3 lbs Baby girl has gained several pounds too! Her hair has grown, her nails grow like weeds and she eats up a storm, this is so great because she is so small! She started babbling a few weeks ago and we have been really working on words with her too! To be able to hear her say "Mamma" and "Dadda" was so beautiful, to see her pick it up and learn is amazing! She is pretty smart for a 9 mo old I think, she understands so much already! We are working on eating more table foods right now, which she is all about, she wants what we are eating but she has no teeth yet, so we must go slow, I just have to blend up most things for her! She is learning to use her cup too, getting much better at it! And I really think she will be taking steps soon, she is moving and grooving this Baby girl, she is crazy, wants to be so big!
Being a Mama is so insane, it is the best thing in the whole world but it is the toughest job ever too! I sometimes don't even know how I will go on or get past something but some how I do! I am so honored though to be this for these girls, it is such a rewarding thing, the love we get back, the happiness, the hugs and kisses it is the absolute best thing in the world!
We have passed our mark as Foster Parents now, we have never gotten passed 6 weeks with kiddos before, so here is on to the next how many ever long weeks, months or even years, praying for forever!!!!
As you all have seen in many of my posts and comments going through this process is not easy, very stressful and emotional, we are waiting for more info to come on their case! Thank you for all of the prayers, always!

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