Monday, September 27, 2010

It's ALWAYS an interesting life being a parent!

So could it be that Sissy might just potty train herself, haha! Today she for the first time was caught in the action of pooping in her diaper and I said "Sis are you going poopoo?" She said "yes" and I said, "You should have told Mommy Sis" She looked at me and said "go to potty" I said "yes, yes run." So she went to the potty and even though she had started to go she finished in the potty and we continued to use it through out the day and even wore panties, she had an accident once but was ok after that. Of course she is in a diaper for bed time but maybe just maybe we are on our way now. I hate potty training, I have worked with so many kiddos on this but once they get it, it is so very exciting. I do not want to push her she has way too much going on right now in her little life, so we just try and when she goes in the potty she is really rewarded! She will get it, she is a smart little thing and she does go every time on the potty she gets on too, it's just not going in her pants and not liking the feeling of it that we need to work on! Telling us too when she has gone or needs to is what has not been happening so this was a good step today! It is the best feeling to teach your children things and they get it, what a huge reward for me too when we will have this down! Yay to Sis, I want to go out and get her a bunch of cute undies now, heehee!
Oh to not buy diapers for her would be so awesome, we keep saying we will not go to Costco for hers so we need to get her potty trained or have her get it down soon, LOL! :)
Now teething and Baby girl is just about to do me in, oh man how do parents survive this, seriously, haha?! Second tooth now coming in, so two little bottom ones at the same time and I really think the top are going to come very soon as well, feels like it. Nothing helps, seriously tired everything, nothing helps, if it does it's only for a short time. We cannot give her Tylenol 24/7 geesh! I just hope and pray she gets them all soon, she is in pain and not sleeping the same or eating the same either, she is so cranky and clingy too, poor thing. Hurry up teeth, just come in already please I beg of you, LOL!

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