Friday, September 3, 2010

Potty Training and Walking!

So today we are trying new things around here! Not as if these girls have not had so much progress since they have come to us but today we started officially potty training Sissy and Baby girl started standing on her own a bit and taking steps while holding our hands!
It has been so amazing to see these girls just thrive, grow and accomplish so much in a little over 6 weeks but to now whiteness the joys of potty training and walking, these are big milestones in two little girls lives!
I do not like potty training one bit, never have and who does, seriously but to see a kiddo learn to get it and go on their own is super exciting and a big huge step into a little child not a baby anymore, it's very big stuff! :) I will be so proud of her if she gets this soon! We have gone to panties now during the day at home(of course) and diapers at night time still! We will see how this goes, have had some accidents of course but also gone on the potty too, so we will keep plugging along, I know she will get it!
Baby girl is so big already, all though in reality she is so tiny in size, she thinks she is so big, heehee! She has been pulling up along the furniture since we have had her, she can move all around and she speed crawls like no one else! LOL But yesterday and now today she has stood on her own several times, so we started helping her take some steps while holding her hands, she could be walking very soon! She gets very excited doing this, she is such a doll and I love her little laugh! It is so awesome to be apart of these stages in their lives! :)
We had a very long day today, a visit with their birth Mom and not a lot of napping going on, so girls are down and I am so pooped out, it is rest time for me now too, one tired Foster Mama over here! But love my girlies and am so proud of them!

1 comment:

  1. Well she is NOT ready for potty training, I will have to say! We need more time and she will be there! So much new stuff going on in her life right now, I don;t want to push it! She is eager so we will keep at it but won;t push too hard! I am proud of her so much though!
    Baby girl is crazy, she is standing on her own so much now, she will be walking soon I know it! :)


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