Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Good News Continues!

I had an amazing evening after I received an email from the girls social worker this evening, I actually screamed when I read the news and started balling with joy, after the day I have had you will understand why too. As I took Baby girl to her visit today and had to leave her screaming from the stranger of a father she has, I was so upset and just wanted to cry. I just thought a little baby should not have to go through this, she just should not, it is so not fare to her. The supervising worker had to call me after 35 minutes because she had not stopped screaming. I went back to help calm her down during the visit and she would not go back to him, while I was happy she did not go for him and is not forming a bond what so ever, I hate this trauma it puts her through for this time.
As I drove home after in the car I prayed to God that this would stop and we could see an answer to this problem and issue and for her not ever, ever go back to this man! Please oh please Lord I said give me a sign that this will be ok. When we finally got home after such a long day I sat down to read my emails and also wrote the girls social worker to tell her of this rough visit day we had with birth Dad, to my surprise she had wrote me at the same time. In the email she told me that last week the reunification board met to discuss Dad and they decided to NOT offer him services for "FR" Family reunification, this is when I screamed with joy and started balling! LOL I was so happy and excited and thank you Lord for hearing me! This is so awesome, we thought he was going to get 6 months of services and help and now he is not and due to his criminal back ground he never should and that is the reason they are no! Yes, yes they realize that what these girls need are to NOT be around these parents anymore, yes! We have a great reunification worker that realizes what is best for these babies! Now each birth parent will still get to have their visits for a period of time, how long that shall be I am still waiting for the exact time line on that but if we are lucky maybe by the ned of the year it will be done, no more visits! :) I am so happy to hear all this good news, to have some worries put aside and begin to officially think like a family, like a real family and these are our daughters! This is an amazing feeling you have no idea, they will be ours, I feel like climbing a mountain and screaming at the top of my lungs with joy! Heehee We are here, we are actually here!
Now of course there will still be the process of court hearings and waiting for the important time line and marks we want to hit, I will keep you all posted on that, it will not be official and the adoption will not be final for sometime but this is all just what we want and where we want to be right now, it is going very well and how we want, it is hard to understand unless you have been through it or had a family member or friend go through the process but as our social worker said today, it is time to be happy, it is time now to celebrate!!! :)

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