Wednesday, September 8, 2010

7 weeks today!

It is amazing that 7 weeks have gone by to this day, can't believe that 7 weeks ago they came into our lives! Things were so different then, it is just crazy how far we have truly come! For one I never thought my summer would have been 6 weeks of caring for a new born baby boy and now 7 weeks of two beautiful little girls, it has been 13 weeks total and it is just so surreal! I have said so many times that being a Foster Mama is just a tough, tough, emotional but truly the best job, I love it, it makes me so happy and full of rewards and love!
I was sitting with our wonderful Social Worker/good friend last night and discussing how the first few weeks were with these girls and I feel like that was just so long ago, we have really come so far! These were neglected, damaged little girls, who needed so much and in just 7 weeks we are really doing so well, many things with these girls are just normal, child like ways, there is still a few scars and issues from the past but with just a healthy loving home , parents and environment they are young enough to make huge leaps and bounds, it is so awesome! Our Social Worker reminded me that I would tell her they just cry all the time, how will we ever get passed this? I remember she told me it could last for several weeks and I thought to myself, I can't do this, my husband thought and said to me many times, we can't do this, I can't take the crying! And when I say crying , the baby, it was not crying , it was screaming, all the time screaming! It was truly "the hell" weeks I will say!
Now being this week 7, wow the difference! They feel like they have been ours forever. They fit into our lives now like they were meant to, like they are the missing pieces! Our routine and schedule, they thrive on and need, the love, hugs and cuddles they soak up, the lessons taught are tough sometimes but they love and desire to learn so much! Last night while I kissed and hugged Sissy girl in her bed, she wrapped her little arms around my neck and squeezed so tight, we giggled and did kisses and when I went to pull away she would not let go, she held on so tight and kissed and cuddled me forever! I will never forget times like this, times like this are what make my life and my job as their Mama right now the best thing in the entire world!
We have many days where I am so tired, frustrated, mad, angry, emotional etc! But we also have the days that are just awesome and so happy and great and just plain fun! I know these are the ups and downs of Mother hood! :) Hearing the baby saying "Dada, Dada, Dada???" at the top of her little voice this morning as I lay in bed so sleepy not wanting to get up just made me lay there and smile, thank you lord for their little selves, thank you lord for placing them in our lives, thank you lord for getting us through the really, really tough times we thought we wouldn't and please guide us through the ones that I am sure are to come as well!
I can't wait to see where our lives take us now, as I finish up my last few weeks of the daycare I have run for the last 4 years and start this new chapter of being a full time Foster Mama to the girls, my life is devoted to them right now and I wouldn't want it any other way! I love you Sissy girl and Baby girl so very much!

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